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Cure Stammering Blog


Is Stammering A Curse ? Pulished By - STAMMERING RELIEF CENTRE   2018-02-02 13:35:30

Is Stammering A Curse ?

Maybe It Is. Maybe It Is Not. Who Cares ? 

The fact is that you have been dealt with certain cards in life. Stammering is one of them. You have to understand how to best live your life given that you stammer.

It won’t be easy. But smooth seas never made a skilled sailor. If you are enterprising enough, you will start to work hard at your disorder. But working hard is not enough, you will also need to work smart. How to work smart? By getting to know the tricks of the trade. Getting to know what smart people have already figured out. Stammering is not new, it has existed since human race has existed. Surely some people must have figured out how to get through it.

That is where Speech Therapy can help. Go visit a Good Speech Therapist and he / she can guide you on what needs to be done. But it won’t be a Magic Pill. You will also have to do the Hard work from your end. You will see ups and downs in the journey, but if you persist for long enough, you will surely see big improvements in your speech. You will come to Discover the Untapped Reserves of Energy, Humility and Persistence you Never Knew you had. And maybe, just maybe, you will accept stammering as a blessing, which was given to you to understand your Limitless Powers.

As Succinctly Put by Hrithik Roshan:

“It is Not Despite My Stammering that I am Successful, it is because of it.”


Child With More Severe Stammering / Stuttering Pulished By - STAMMERING RELIEF CENTRE   2018-02-02 13:34:07

Child With More Severe Stammering / Stuttering

1. If your child stutters on more than 10% of his speech, stutters with Considerable Effort and Tension, or avoids stuttering by changing words and using extra sounds to get started, he will profit from having therapy with a specialist in stuttering. Complete blocks of speech are more common than repetitions or prolongations. Disfluencies tend to be present in most speaking situations now.

2. The suggestions for parents of a child with mild stuttering are also appropriate when the child has a severe problem. Try to remember that slowing and relaxing your own speaking style is far more helpful than telling the child to slow down.

3. Encourage your child to talk to you about his stuttering. Show patience and acceptance as you discuss it. Overcoming stuttering is often more a matter of losing fear of stuttering than a matter of trying harder.


Lifestyle Changes To Treat Stammering Pulished By - STAMMERING RELIEF CENTRE   2018-02-02 13:33:22

Lifestyle Changes to Treat Stammering

1. Fighting Inferiority Complex:
Developing confidence in one’s own ability to speak correctly is probably the only real solution to cure stammering. However building self-confidence when one makes nervous mistakes in every sentence is not easy. Inferiority complex is natural in people who stammer. Dealing with this complex is the most paramount task in overcoming stammering. Talking openly when the person approaches with the subject is vital in handling this complex. Maintaining a relaxed environment at home gives the child an opportunity to speak without stress.

2. Watch out your Breath:
As a general thumb rule, one should breathe from the belly and not from the chest. Breathing from the belly naturally calms down and relaxes nervous and muscular tension and is a helpful habit in curing stammering and related disorders.

3. Family Support:
Family support is of vital importance in treatment of stammering. Family members should use all possible means to deliver the person of his state of anxiety which is the only cause of stammering in a large number of cases. Family members must:
parenting for
-Not punish or react harshly on a person who is stammering
-Listen carefully, when such a person speaks
-Adapt to speak slowly and not interrupt when a person stammers
-Be patient and wait for the person to complete words
-Not complete sentences or words when such a person is trying to speak.

4. Consulting a Speech Therapist/Expert:
Speech therapy has been used to cure or reduce the intensity of stammering. Speech therapist tries to diagnose the causes of stammering and accordingly prescribe exercises, medications and/or scalpel intervention in certain cases.

In case of physiological defects, speech therapy is compulsory to treat stammering. While speech therapist mainly concentrates on speech corrections, they may also adopt psychotherapies like hypnosis, impoco, role plays or cognitive behavioural therapy, if diagnosis suggests a psychological cause for stammering. Many therapists also use acupuncture, yoga spa treatment and other relaxation techniques to assist in treatment of stammering.