Cure Stammering/Stuttering In Just 2 Weeks* Don’t Doubt, Just BELIEVE Curing Effectively Since 2003

Speech Difficulties Scenario's In Case of Stammering

The conversation skips along until… the long pause. That word that just won’t come out, or the odd quality to your voice that starts when it does, can be frustrating and embarrassing.

As many as 40 percent of people who are diagnosed with Stammering / Stuttering will face speech difficulties at some time.

The symptom could hit hard with a relapse, or come and go several times a day on a regular basis. It might be so subtle that your spouse or doctor notices it before you do, or So Frustrating that you don’t want to Leave the House.Human speech ends with the mouth but starts with the brain. The lungs, vocal cords and tongue all play a role, as well as the lips, throat and jaw. That leaves several places along the way that speaking can get complicated.

A person’s speech might be slow. Vowel sounds could be distorted or speakersc might have problems varying their tone.

The speaking pattern that can result, particularly when there are long pauses between Words or Syllables.

- Hesitation before certain sounds have to be uttered

Strategies for Speaking Fluently For Stammering

(1) If the listener isn't aware you might have difficulty speaking, let them know.

(2) Take your time and don’t get frustrated. Speak slowly, pause frequently and consider shortening your sentences to get the basic message out.

(3) Let body language lend a hand. Face your listener, and use gestures and expressions to help people understand

(4) Take a break if you get tired. Try sending an email or writing down what you want to say.

(5) Use notes if you have issues with memory or word recall.

Being A Better Listener, Advice For Families and Caregivers

(1) Don’t raise your voice. This isn't related to hearing.

(2) Be patient and pay close attention. Reduce distractions in the room such as a radio or television.

(3) Ask questions that can be answered simply or with a “yes” or a “no” if you notice the speaker struggling or consider taking a break from a long conversation. Speech difficulties can worsen when muscles are tired.

(4) Repeat back important pieces of information to avoid miscommunication.

(5) Be honest. Politely let the speaker know if you don’t understand.