Cure Stammering/Stuttering In Just 2 Weeks* Don’t Doubt, Just BELIEVE Curing Effectively Since 2003

Different Facial Expressions, Difficulties, Feeling's and Symptoms Of A Sufferer During Stammering / Stuttering

A person who stutters often repeats words or parts of words, and tends to prolong certain speech sounds. They may also find it harder to start some words. Some may become tense when they start to speak, they may blink rapidly, and their lips or jaw may tremble as they try to communicate verbally. Some Individuals who stutter appear extremely tense or out of breath when they talk. Their speech may be completely "Blocked" (stopped).

"Blocked" is when their mouths are in the right position to say the word, but Virtually No Sound comes out. This may last several seconds. Sometimes, the desired word is uttered, or interjections are used in order to delay the initiation of a word the speaker knows causes problems. Examples of interjections include such words as "um," "like," "I mean," "well," or "um."

Common Signs and Symptoms Associated With Stammering and Stuttering Are:-

1. Problems starting a word, phrase, or sentence.

2. Hesitation before certain sounds has to be uttered.

3. Repeating a sound, word, or syllable.

4. Certain speech sounds may be prolonged.

5. Speech may come out in spurts.

6. Words with certain sounds are substituted for others (circumlocution).

Also, When They Are Talking Symptoms Like Following Occur:-

1. Rapid blinking

2. Trembling lips

3. Foot tapping

4. A Trembling jaw

5. The Face and/or upper body tightens