Cure Stammering/Stuttering In Just 2 Weeks* Don’t Doubt, Just BELIEVE Curing Effectively Since 2003

Knowledge about the Subject of Stammering

Stammering is a habit in which a person speaks with pauses. In India, there are many specialists who promise to cure this, but they do not have 100% knowledge regarding this subject, which in return increases the problem, making it verse....rather than curing it. Such people commonly in the

society are embarrassed when called by words like”HAKLA”.

Only that Speech Therapist, who suffered with stammering in his earlier days of his life truly, can understand the pains, emotions and hard times that a stammer faces all the time in his life when communicating.

I, MANISH CHAUHAN, remained habitual of stammering till the age of nineteen. Due to research on this Subject, Personal Experiences and My Expertise I am running this centre since 2003 starting from my hometown New Delhi, India and have cured many successfully across the Globe.

Now the reality with stammering is :-

Speech is formed by two means

(1) Breath

(2) Tongue

  • - Vowel is formed by the breath
  • - Pronunciation is formed by the tongue. Everything is bounded within its limitation, breath has its own limitation and the prolongation of speech depends upon the breath. If breath is used fully in speech and we try to speak more, there is possibility of stammering.

In fact it is not stammering but speech with pauses. It is due to shortened breath due to some reason during childhood. The breath is shortened due to the following reasons

  • Physical weakness due to any kind of disease,
  • Any kind of fear
  • Imitating other
  • Sudden shock to our Vocal Cords

The breath is shortened due to above mentioned reasons and the child starts speaking with pauses. The child doesn’t want to speak with pauses, but not knowing the reality, and he tries to speak more and more in his shortened breath. He becomes habitual of speaking more and more in his shortened breath, and starts stammering and ultimately aggravates his problem.