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Tips for Fluency from Individual's Treated At My Centre From Their Personal Experience After Completing The Course

You may have found that you can do things which help your talking. Here are some ideas from individuals who have attended the course at my Centre

1. Try to take your time rather than rushing

2. Speak a bit more slowly

3. Say what you want to say

4. Be patient with yourself and say what you want to say

5. Pause for a moment before you start to speak

6. Don't always expect the worst - sometimes it goes well

7. Remember to congratulate yourself for trying things out

8. Try to have a go at things

9. Don't force the words - it just makes them harder to say

10. Get plenty of sleep

11. Give yourself a few treats

12. The faster you try to speak the less you will manage to say

13. Try not to bottle out!

14. Talk about it rather than trying to Hide It.